Saturday, August 22, 2009

First Day Wrap-up

So, here's how my day went. It's pretty unbelievable. It's about 8 am and I'm packing my camping stuff on to my bike in front of Dan and Kim's place and this guy comes riding by with a fully geared out, fully loaded BMW bike. He gives me a wave as he goes by cause we're obviously doing the same thing. He ends up turning around and coming back to chat and I tell him that I'm riding to Chicago and don't really have any plan except that I'm leaving for Portland in a few minutes. He says that he is on his way to meet his brother and a friend by the Golden Gate bridge and they're riding up to Portland to and asks if I want to join them. I told him I absolutely would love to.

So I went down and met up with Jeff, Kevin, and Peter - Jeff lives in San Diego and Kevin and Peter live in San Francisco and they're all super cool guys and we've been having an absolute blast all day. We ended up taking the 101 north about 310 miles and now we're drinking beers at a campground at Patricks Point - right on the Ocean.

We rode through some beautiful scenery today - twisty roads and lots of passes through redwood forests. Sometimes it was hot and sometimes it was cold, but it was nothing short of epic and the riding will only get better. Haven't decided on a route yet for tomorrow, but we are discussing it now.

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